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We acknowledge that the church has not always been a peaceful presence as we have engaged with the world. This is particularly true of the relationship of the church and Indigenous people of Canada. As we learn from the past and envision a new future we are committed to work towards Truth & Reconciliation. As a primary effort of relationship building, we have been cultivating ongoing relationships with members of Beardy's & Okemasis First Nation.


Throughout the year we engage a variety of events related to the work of Truth & Reconciliation. Past events have included Rock Your Roots Walk for Reconciliation, National Indigenous Peoples Day Ceremonies, KAIROS Blanket Exercise, Land Acknowledgement Workshop, Office of the Treaty Commission Workshop, along with various cultural events at Beardy's & Okemasis First Nation.


We encourage our church community to engage in the work of

Truth & Reconciliation collectively, and personally.

Here is a list of recommended resources for further learning.



First Nations Version of the New Testament 


One Church, Many Tribes 

- Richard Twiss


Rescuing the Gospel from the Cowboys 

- Richard Twiss


21 Things You May Not Know About the Indian Act

- Bob Joseph


Shalom and the Community of Creation 

- Randy Woodley


Indigenous Theology and the Western Worldview
Randy Woodley


Unsettling the Word
Steve Heinrichs


Healing Haunted Histories 
- Ched Meyers & Elaine Enns​


Stolen: Surviving St. Michaels 

- Connie Walker


Reconcile: Everyday Conversations

- MCC Saskatchewan



Stony Knoll Interpretive Site

- Location of Reserve 107


“Doctrines & Discoveries”

- Self-guided walking tour of downtown Saskatoon


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